Inlays & Onlays
If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, this type of custom-made filling may be ideal for repairing it.
About Porcelain Inlays & Onlays
Inlays and onlays are custom-made fillings used in teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma. An inlay restoration is used to repair damage to the tooth’s biting surface. Onlays are utilized when both the tooth’s biting surface plus one or more of the chewing cusps requires repair.
Inlays and onlays also make suitable replacements for older fillings that have fractured. They have the added benefit of being a more conservative treatment approach than crowns because they don’t require as much of the tooth structure to be removed.
These restorations can be made of composite material, gold, or porcelain. Porcelain is a popular choice because it is naturally translucent and can be closely matched to the shade of the tooth. Porcelain is also the preferred material when the broken or decayed part of the tooth is too large for a composite (white) filling. Bonded onto the remaining tooth structure, porcelain is stronger than composite material, but still provides excellent esthetics that are preferable to conventional silver fillings.
Porcelain inlays and onlays are very effective and highly durable. With proper care, they will last much longer than conventional fillings. However, as with most dental restorations, they may someday require replacement.
Reasons for getting porcelain inlays or onlays:
- To repair broken, fractured, or decayed teeth
- To repair fractured fillings
- For larger fillings
- For cosmetic enhancement

Two appointments are usually required for an inlay or onlay procedure. During your first visit, impressions will be taken that will be used to create your custom inlay or onlay. Plus, a temporary restoration will be placed for added protection until your next appointment. During your second appointment, your new custom inlay or onlay will be carefully fitted and cemented into place. We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure the perfect fit.
At Hingham Dentistry, we use the latest technology and highest quality materials to produce inlays and onlays that offer superior fit, function, and esthetics. Following treatment, we will provide instructions for the care of your new dental restoration. As with natural teeth, proper oral hygiene, good eating habits, and regular dental visits will help maintain the life of your new inlay or onlay.
Feel free to contact us at our dental office if you have any questions about inlays and onlays or wish to schedule a consultation.